Monday, October 31, 2011

Zawadi Kwa Africa's First Fundraiser

We are excited to say, the planning for our first fundraiser is coming along wonderfully. This event is being held as a way to raise funds to create a library at one of the Orphanages we are focusing on the moment. As you know, we have received quite a lot Children’s Books as donations and now we are working on creating an atmosphere where these books can be used. Our goal is to create a library stacked with children's books, history books, amongst others and create an environment that will nurture and enhance the knowledge of the Children.

Come join us on December 3rd at7pm (21 Soumei Bldg, 3F. 3-11-6 Roppongi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo - Copacabana Club). Entry fee is 2,500 which includes a plate of amazing African cuisine. We will also be having live African music, Fashion show displaying some of the amazing colors and ideas out of Africa, Live painting, as well as items on sale such as Zawadi Kwa goods, African accessories, bags, Kangas (wraps), and clothing items. If you are lucky you can win some of these wonderful items in our raffle, so come on out, bring your friends and help us make this happen!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Journey Continues

We are now two and a half months away from ending 2011.  Zawadi Kwa Africa is so happy to say that we have achieved more than we had anticipated thus far and we continue to be grateful, but we are not yet finished with 2011! To close out 2011 we are looking at launching our official website, building a library at the Yatima foundation in Tanzania, and officially becoming a registered NGO. However we thought it would be a good time to say, “Thank You” to all the helping hands that helped in making our dream a reality. Thank you English Studio for helping us achieve our library dream but donating English books and stickers for the kids.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I am happy to announce that our first set of boxes arrived at the Mbagala Orphanage in Tanzania this weekend - the kids are so happy. Photos have been posted on our Facebook page, please stop by, have a look, leave a comment!!!

This would not have been possible without your support and the Zawadi Kwa Africa team thanks you from the bottom of our heats.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Our MISSION continues!!

With everything that has happened in the past two months, we the Zawadi Kwa Africa team had shifted our focus to Japan for a while. Although things in Japan are not back to normal, and won't be for a while, we will continue to support locally while we push forward with our drive for the children in Africa as well.

We are happy to report that a 9 year old girl has helped us to restart out drive by donating a box of books that she no longer needs. Another individual has offered to donate some gently worn indoor shoes that students leave behind after graduating from Japanese schools. We continue to be amazed that with everything going on locally, people are still willing and continue to support us.

We will be planning a charity event in the next couple of months and all the proceeds will go to building a library at the orphanage. Stay tuned!

Team Zawadi Kwa Africa thanks you!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Donating at Home.

After the tragic earthquake and Tsunami that took place on Friday March 11, 2011, Zawadi Kwa Africa decided to donate half of the items we received to individuals living in the shelters in Japan.
Unfortunately foundations in Japan have a restriction on items they collect and will only accept new or nearly new items of clothing – this has restricted us in the amount of donation we are able to make. However we are happy to report that we found one organization in Tokyo that accepted 4 boxes of adult clothes (male and female). And we have identified a number of charity events and businesses that are accepting items such as: clothes, underwear, toys/games for the kids, amongst other items appropriate for that area. All this was made possible by you, thank you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 More Weeks!!!

It has been one month since we started our Africa Project and we are amazed and excited at how well it is progressing. We have collected over 20 boxes of Clothes, Shoes, Bags, and Books for: infants, young children, and teenagers,  AND the boxes are still coming. In today's blog we wanted to share a quick status update with everyone who is a part of making this happen. We will be collecting items on an on-going basis, so please feel free to contact us at anytime:

Phase 1 which is focusing on the Yatima Foundation is moving along smoothly and we will be shipping the first batch at the end of this month. Thanks to local car export businessmen from the Tanzanian community for offering to put our boxes in their containers bound for Tanzania at the end of this month for free. Again, we want to thank everyone who is helping the dreams of many become a reality.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Africa Clothes Drive

My good friend and I are collecting clothes, books, items, etc for an orphanage in Tanzania - YATIMA Foundation-Mbagala (the name of the orphanage).  If you are in Japan, please let us know if you have any summer clothes that you no longer need/want - baby/ young adult clothing, toys, books, etc are very welcome. Remember nothing is too small and a little goes a long way.

Africa - share your amazing Africa experience!

Visiting Africa came as a casual idea around summer 2010 while chatting with friends in regards to our year-end plan. Since it looked like my company was going to relocate me to Australia (my request) and the tax rates there is tremendously high, I decided to do my Africa trip this December.
I started off in Tanzania where I landed at the Julius Nyerere International airport and it was an amazing feeling walking outside. My girlfriend picked me up and my Africa vacation officially began.
I met some of the nicest people in Tanzania and it was so warm to see how everyone was living in harmony. Seeing a different side of Africa compared to what we normally see on T.V or in the news was good, which shows us not to believe everything we see on T.V and some things we need to experience first hand. I strongly recommend Tanzania, especially Zanzibar and Bongoyo and island surrounded by the Indian Ocean and a 30 minute boat ride from Dar es Salaam.
I did South Africa, Johannesburg was ok, think I need to visit there again as I wasn’t able to do things on my own time. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, AMAZING and the Safari Park in Botswana is also a must visit.