Monday, May 30, 2011

Our MISSION continues!!

With everything that has happened in the past two months, we the Zawadi Kwa Africa team had shifted our focus to Japan for a while. Although things in Japan are not back to normal, and won't be for a while, we will continue to support locally while we push forward with our drive for the children in Africa as well.

We are happy to report that a 9 year old girl has helped us to restart out drive by donating a box of books that she no longer needs. Another individual has offered to donate some gently worn indoor shoes that students leave behind after graduating from Japanese schools. We continue to be amazed that with everything going on locally, people are still willing and continue to support us.

We will be planning a charity event in the next couple of months and all the proceeds will go to building a library at the orphanage. Stay tuned!

Team Zawadi Kwa Africa thanks you!